
dear 2014

8:59 PM

New Year is an opportunity to reflect, to look back on the things you've learned, the things you've grown enough to let go of and the things you're still working on. As I reflected on the year that has been, I realised how easily we forget. We forget to give ourselves credit for all that we have done in the last 365 days, all that we have achieved, all that we have become.

2014, thank you for breaking me and putting me back together again. Thank you for the good times, the bad times and everything in between. Thank you for the adventures, the heart ache, the loved ones and relationships past and present, the new things and the old things. Thank you for teaching me to love, to learn, to grow. Thank you for showing me how to be thankful, to be present and for teaching me how to really let go.

January 1st is really just another day. But it's still a new one; a reminder to let go and start fresh. This new day, I open my heart and invite space to let go of the things that no longer serve me and may have dragged me down in the past. I let go of expectations and things not going to plan. Maybe I won't even plan at all. Just live. Now that's a New Year's resolution.

2015, we're ready for you.
xx Courtney

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