
introducing myself and my journey...

8:19 PM

This is me. I'm an 19 year old student from Adelaide, studying classical vocal performance. 
I'm vegetarian, mostly vegan and a health lover, I love taking care of my body and treating it the way I think it deserves to be treated.

A few shots from my trips to the Aboriginal community of Papunya, NT; Volunteering in the school. (centre + right)

I was never one who was particularly concerned about how I looked, my weight, whether I should or shouldn't eat something or how much fat was in it. I come from a family of heathy eaters; my parents have spent a lot of money bringing myself and my younger sister up on organic, healthy and whole foods and the way I treat my body is a lifestyle. We are what many might call an 'alternative' family. Although I think that modern medicine is a great invention, I try to limit how much I use it and instead focus on keeping my body healthy and strong. I base most of what I eat off of it's benefits, the good I know it's doing for my body and the way it makes me feel.

In year 11 and 12 I began running before performances; I found it was the best stress relief and it got rid of all my nerves before I had to get up on stage. I caught the bug. It's like travelling, once you start and realise how great it feels, you can't stop!

I love learning and once I caught the exercise bug, I became really interested in other areas of health like superfoods, raw eating and veganism. Not because of any particular moral reasons but because of how it made me FEEL. Not only were there the physical (internal and external) benefits, but the more I learned, the more interested I became. I discovered new recipes that tasted better than half the stuff I already ate and now my diet is healthier and tastier than it has ever been!

I started yoga in year 7, when my school started after-school classes in our school chapel. There were 3 of us who would rock up each week, change from our school uniform into trackies, and enjoy an hour of relaxation. The other girls were probably year 12s at the time, I was a very shy year 7 and I never spoke to them, but I still loved my hour a week of relaxation. I think it was here that I really learned what 'me' time is. I didn't continue yoga when that class shut down, but picked it up again in year 12 after realising the benefits that running alone was having on my body. I now practise yoga most days a week, even if only for a short time. I love the way it centres me and keeps my body working the way it should. It has also helped me to control my breath when singing, keeping me calm and helping me to get the most out of my practise.

So now you know a bit about my journey. But what about me? I am a lover of life, travelling, music, art, writing, movement. I'm an emotional person, a learner and an explorer. I love connecting to things whether it's my music or art or other people. I have a very supportive family, boyfriend (although vegan recipes are normally not boyfriend approved) and younger sister; who is taller than me :/ and who also falls in the boyfriend category when it comes to food! I'm a music teacher of voice and piano, as well as a wedding singer and portraiture artist. I'm me. And I love being me.

xx Courtney

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